Monday, December 10, 2012

January - June

Theme: 'The Good Life'!!

Storytimes as scheduled (3 a week)

Sample of books shared in storytime during this theme:
How Full is Your Bucket
The Pink Refrigerator
On My Way to a Happy Life (Deepak Chopra)
(see Resources tab for more information)

The large display case at the entry to the library will have an exhibit that will be added to all year...once a month somehting will be changed as we cover the themes through out the year.  The item will have the month and theme in its description.  The good life can encompass a wide variety of topics, but we want to emphasize trying new things, being the best person possible, striving to achieve, and being grateful for what we have.  The monthly themes will add to this overall yearly theme.

A call for volunteers needed for programs throughout the year will be put out this month through emails to all the departments that service the tribe, and to any tribal member mailing list we have in our database.  Parents, community members, the Silver Feathers (elder group), and youth who need community service hours will all be potential volunteers.  

The library will also attempt to see if the Silver Feathers would like to initiate a 'Friends of the Library' group.  The group could run a book store or exchange, participate in activities, help fundraise, or volunteer.

Children participating in storytime will be asked to fill out one of the forms below.  The library will store these in a binder until the end of the year, and the children can see how they have changed.

During the year of 2013, children may come in to the library during the month of their birthday and choose a book to dedicate to the library.  They will fill out a dedication card (see below), and be able to see who has dedicated the books they check out from the library.  This will be advertised during stroytimes, it will be included in regular fliers that are mailed to the membership announcing library programs and events.  The library will also be featured in the tribal newsletter in January and it will be announced there as well. 

Theme: Education

Storytimes as scheduled (3 a week)

Sample of books shared in storytime during this theme:
The Ordinary School Day
Miss Brooke's Likes Books (and I Don't)
Miss Bindergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
(see Resources tab for more information)

Add to display case: A graduation hat and Educational Advocate Certificate

Educational Advocate Certification: This certification is for parents and community members that want to take a more hands on approach to their students' education.  VArious topics will be focused on and will change year to year.  This years topics will be; helping your child to establish a week day routine, tutoring and scholarship opportunities, and navigating the college application process.  Hopefully this will be a successful program and grow every year.

Book Fair:  Will be coordinated by the school librarian, but the community library will provide the space.  Will assist with set up clean up, arrange for classroom visits during the school day.  The company gives a total percent of sales.  This will be split between the two libraries.

College Fair:  This will be put on by the CSUSM outreach team, and the education coordinator at the Chammakilawish School.  The library will provide the space and participate in the planning.

Author visit: Joseph Bruchac ($2,400)
This will be split with several departments.  Youth department, tribal T.A.N.F. program, Cal State San Marcos CICSC.  Our responsibility ($700)

Some of the vocabulary exercises used this month will be created for various items found in the school room.  Younger students will be asked to clap out the syllables and practice saying the words in Luiseno.  Older students will be asked to label the items in Luiseno.

Theme: Family

Storytimes as Scheduled

Sample of books shared in storytime during this theme:
The Family Book
Can You Do This, Old Badger?
More, More, More Said the Baby!
(see Resources tab for more information)

Add to display case: A family tree with family names in Luiseno (as back drop)

Book Talk:  Geared towards tweens, but fun for older and younger audiences to watch.  Each book talk will feature several books, and an activity.  One recorded version of a book will be archived (see Book Talk Archives).  Book Talks help expose youth to new books and authors.

Spring Break: Always try to have some impromptu activitiies on hand for in case there are more students visiting the library thank normal.

Genealogy Lecture: Guest speakers will be discussing the software programs out there, tips and unique places to search, and library services that can help them in their research.

Genealogy lecture flier:

Theme: Friendship

Storytimes as Scheduled

Sample of books shared in storytime during this theme:
The Doorbell Rang
The Dragon's Tears
How Do Dinosaurs Play With Their Friends?
(see Resources tab for more information)

Add to display case: copy of The Giving Tree, puppets from the Cultural Department puppet show

Craft Night:  Teens will learn how to make their own friendship bracelets

Puppet Show:  The Cultural Department will put on this puppet show emphasizing the theme of friendship in an excerpt from the tribe's creation story.

TANF Community Game Night: board game night with snacks, all ages, co-sponsored between the library and the TANF program

Here is a craft sample from a storytime for this month.  Children will decorate the cookies and decide who they want to share them with!

Theme: Travel

Storytimes as Scheduled

Sample of books shared in storytime during this theme:
Riley and the Sleeping Dragon
To the Top End
For You Are a Kenyan Child
(see Resources tab for more information)

Add to display case (map made in storytime with pins inside of it.  If community members want to add photos and pins for their families travels that's encouraged)

Tween Book Talk: Geared towards tweens, but fun for older and younger audiences to watch.  Each book talk will feature several books, and an activity.  One recorded version of a book will be archived (see Book Talk Archives).  Book Talks help expose youth to new books and authors.

Kamishibai Family Craft Night: enhanced storytime, kids will work to write and draw their own kamishibai stories.  This teaches Narrative Skills, Vocabulary, and Print Awareness.

Toddler Storytime Coloring Page:

Theme: Culture

Storytimes as Scheduled

Sample of books shared in storytime during this theme:
The Skin You Live In
Frog and Cricket: A Luiseno Tale
Various short stories adapted from oral stories and other education departments
(see Resources tab for more information)

Add to display case: a miniature village created by the Cultural Department
A second smaller display case will be on loan from the Cultural Department that has Luiseno specific items in within.  Some possible items: baskets, pots, arrowheads, and clothing replicas.

Cultural Department Tours:  The Cultural Department will be conducting prescheduled tours from the library all month to visit places on the reservation and learn little known facts about our community.

Youth Activity:  The youth will be building a kiicha (traditional house) on the front lawn of the library.  Everyone is invited to participate in the gathering of materials and construction of the house.  Please contact Arturo Basiel, youth director for more information.

Basketweaving demonstration:  Vlydia Vasser, a staff memebr and basketweaving instructor at the Chammakilawish School, will give a demonstration during family storytime.  She will go over the various techniques, and materials she uses.  Children from the school will be invited up to work on their baskets as well.

Summer reading Program:  The Summer Reading Program will take place from June 24 to August 5.  There are tailored programs for different ages and reading levels.  Children will set goals and be given incentives along the way.  At the end we will have a hamburger picnic sponsored by our tribe's development corporation.  This will be hosted at the reservation park.  Awards for those who met their goals will be given out at this picnic, and details on upcoming events will be discussed.

Storytime Activity: Kiicha (house) felt board.  Have all the things to make a Kiicha (willow, ribs, twine) and needed to live there (pots, baskets, arrows, granary).  Teach the kids the Luiseno names for everything as you assemble the house.

Here is a sample of a handout that might be used during storytime.

Students who complete the first 100 pages of their Summer Reading program goals will get to decorate a set of these funky glasses!

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